It is all about problem finding and problem-solving. Trust us, when we say we understand a brand, it’s not just in words. But, also in promised action. This comes from decades-long on-field experience and mindful collaboration of conventional and experimental expertise with bonafide clientele relations. We keenly listen and attend to the brand’s requirements as urged and afforded. Then, provide an overview of their performance background, market approach, competitor understanding, and a peripheral introduction about us. We brief about what they need to know and how they need to move further in a nutshell. As experienced media consultants, we coordinate with the brand in each possible way to help them boost brand awareness and promote the brand image to the public through mass media. Our team will advise and organise a brief yet unique media schedule on how, why and when brands approach media to reach the end customer. The process involves you and us listening, talking, comprehending, contemplating, brainstorming and visualising an exclusivity for the brand, of the brand, and by the brand in shape. Howbeit, this is just the initial phase of business. Beginnings are rather small and precise. But, the better the beginning, the greater the outcome. We may take a minute to comprehend this step clearly by elucidating from a different point of view. When we approach or are approached by a client, the first intention is to create a credible impression. This intends the client to further take notice and fix a meeting with us. Being confident and acknowledged about oneself, the target and the field of expertise helps to canvas yourself believably. Though each client prefers various reasons to market and advertise themselves, the ultimatum is always to boost figures in the chart. The more the number, the safer the play. If you can pitch your thoughts wisely, your words are money. This motto roots you to your target, to your business. Simply put, the patient needs the doctor and the doctor needs the medicine. Here, we suffice the needs of them both. As medical representatives, we propagate and sell our medicines as essentials to the doctor who commits to saving the patient. We are aware, that the client becomes the patient and the media becomes the doctor.
Media Services
It is all about problem finding and problem-solving. Trust us, when we say we understand a brand, it’s not just in words. But, also in promised action. This comes from decades-long on-field experience and mindful collaboration of conventional and experimental expertise with bonafide clientele relations. We keenly listen and attend to the brand’s requirements as urged and afforded. Then, provide an overview of their performance background, market approach, competitor understanding, and a peripheral introduction about us. We brief about what they need to know and how they need to move further in a nutshell. As experienced media consultants, we coordinate with the brand in each possible way to help them boost brand awareness and promote the brand image to the public through mass media. Our team will advise and organise a brief yet unique media schedule on how, why and when brands approach media to reach the end customer. The process involves you and us listening, talking, comprehending, contemplating, brainstorming and visualising an exclusivity for the brand, of the brand, and by the brand in shape. Howbeit, this is just the initial phase of business. Beginnings are rather small and precise. But, the better the beginning, the greater the outcome. We may take a minute to comprehend this step clearly by elucidating from a different point of view. When we approach or are approached by a client, the first intention is to create a credible impression. This intends the client to further take notice and fix a meeting with us. Being confident and acknowledged about oneself, the target and the field of expertise helps to canvas yourself believably. Though each client prefers various
reasons to market and advertise themselves, the ultimatum is always to boost figures in the chart. The more the number, the safer the play. If you can pitch your thoughts wisely, your words are money. This motto roots you to your target, to your business. Simply put, the patient needs the doctor and the doctor needs the medicine. Here, we suffice the needs of them both. As medical representatives, we propagate and sell our medicines as essentials to the doctor who commits to saving the patient. We are aware, that the client becomes the patient and the media becomes the doctor.
Behind every triumphant media campaign, there is a well-defined media strategy in the making. Crafting concrete strategy nails down 4 statutory rules. Namely,
● Setting measurable goals
Determining exactly what needs to be achieved from the campaign and drawing the functional line parallel to practicality. This is what we must hatch at the end. And, our favourite way to crack it, is to adopt goals using the SMART method i.e, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
● Identifying and analysing the target audience
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov. Understanding the target’s key demographic traits also involves answering where and how do they spend most of their time? What does a typical day look like for them? What are their fears? What are their interests? What media channels do they use? This will help you humanise your audience and address them with utmost awareness.
● Defining and abiding by the budget
A perfect media strategy is and must always stick to the figures. No more, neither less. While outlining the plan, attempt to match your SMART goals to the ideal budget and labour capability. This makes the long run teeny easier.
● Structuring the key message
Drafting and finalising the principal note cemented from an objective isn’t as easy as it sounds. Often, it takes fewer words to convey greater meanings. But these words must run the course and motive of the campaign. A short phrase yet strong appeal is what attracts the audience. After the initial client meeting, interested brands will revert constructive feedback to our media marketing team. Here, the work process kickstarts. Our chief media consultant will conduct a review-based two-phase presentation analysing the potential media strategies and the scope of media-brand developments for the client. The presentation
evaluates the generic market and the client’s status in marketing myopia. It broadly captures the client’s eye by comparing and reviewing competitor performance via exhilarating case studies. For better media acknowledgement, diverse media platforms and its umpteen channels are hierarchically listed based on their performance review and rating. Based on client requirements and budget, an ideal media package is exclusively curated. We comprehend the past, discuss the present and foresee the future for and with the client to deliver them a performance-based remuneration media model. After all, being a medical representative takes as much accountability as being a pharmacist. If medicines aren’t provided as prescribed, those same medicines might cost a life in danger instead of saving one. Hence, a medical rep must be literate about the know-whats, know-hows and know-whys of both the illness and its remedy to sell the drug rightly. This helps the doctor analyse the disease beyond the skin and treat it well by prescribing the right medicine at the right time. We, as marketing representatives also hold the same responsibility.
The process of identifying and selecting the right media outlets to place paid advertisements is called media planning. After many objective discussions, both parties arrive at the final media plan. It’s an intimate process of considering, reconsidering, reviewing, revising and trialling tasks and budget to run the customised media campaign for the brand. There’s no ‘Best Media Plan’, ever. Hence, building the right strategy is always tricky. But we always call for a challenge. As responsible media planners, we stretch our potential to the farthest while sufficing clientele budget to find the right media mix for a brand.
The paramount aim of marketing is to advertise the business to the right target audience so that they may be educated, informed, made well aware and persuaded to purchase your product, service or idea from the market. Developing an efficient and cost-effective media plan must be weighed under the following pointers.
● Reach– refers to the number of people you want to watch during a particular timeframe, like in a week or a month.
● Frequency– indicates the number of times your target customers will see your ad. The higher the number, the better the visibility.
● Cost per thousand– total cost of advertising in a particular media outlet is divided by the media’s thousands of customers to get the cost-per-thousand value. Just like how newspapers divide the cost by total subscribers.
● Selectivity– Depending on the targeted market radius and product niche, each media outlet’s potential is measured to reach defined prospects.
● Impact– Each media outlet promise various senses. Magazines appeal to sight and scent while websites and TV appeal to sight and sound. Identify the right senses that the brand demands and offers. Then choose the medium to reflect greater impact.
“Once the strategy is in place, things must happen to bring about the desired change-that is the point of it all. The wonderful combination of visualization, the glamour of navel-gazing, sparks of inspiration, and cranial gymnastics can produce an exceptional strategy and plan. It can all be entertaining and even fascinating. But until excellent execution makes it actually happen, all is for naught.” – Jennifer Kelly, Autor & marketing guide. The enactment of a media plan, right from its distribution to performance relates to media execution. It focuses on the way you intend to use paid, owned or earned media to promote your key message. When a media plan pertains to the theory of a media campaign, execution ensures that the campaign is practised on the run. Just as a symphony collaborates skill and expertise on diverse musical instruments to sound the melody created in the notation sheet, media execution utilises skill, technology and labour to bring the media plan into life. Organising a media execution plan detailing the time to execute each campaign step and assigning multiple tasks to each team will save businesses time, energy and resources from frittering an optimal media opportunity. All work is in vain if it’s just a static plan. Results reap once when plans are mobilised into action. Through the zealous effort and expertise of our media and marketing team, we consistently converse, scrutinize, argue and counterargue with media channels to implement your promised result.
Media Buying
Wikipedia defines the process as procurement of advertising on various media such as television, newspapers, commercial radio, magazines, websites, mobile apps, OTT media services, OOH advertising etc. For a definite matter, ads cannot be simply procured. It undergoes a meticulous string of compromises, which reaps better price and appropriate ad placements in the end. Our exclusivity to offer the best-negotiated budget to clients is yielded from our interminable relationship with media and clients and the annual bulk business sale committed to both parties. This is our paramount point of attraction. This is our USP. Ranging between regional brands and national brands, we handle more than 76 clients owing to various categories of business and trade like builders and construction, jewellers, health and lifestyle, fast-food chains and FMCG. Before media buying, our media buyers perform research to optimize the Return on Investment (ROI) on the client’s approved budget. Each client is promised a result-oriented media strategy and successful execution based on our optimized research and interdependent association with the media and brands. We create our value by finding and pitching the best business deals. Which in turn, earns your trust. So, one word. Your win is our win.
Creative Services
No manufacturer or entrepreneur would want their brand and business to be a market blend. Instead, a market distinction. Here lies the influential power of strong graphic designs. Three major reasons prove that great designs can strengthen the effectiveness of any advertising method.
● Brand Recognition
Fresh and inventive design ideas and concepts not just build a unique brand image but also boost better competitor comparison. For instance, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are both aerated drinks sharing the same competitor market space. Same in colour and somewhat similar in taste. The definite product purpose is to quench thirst. Hence, hot summer is always a charming bet for both brands. But, what exactly distincts Pepsi from Cola? It’s the brand identity and brand positioning. When Pepsi markets its likeliness to the public, on one hand, Cola markets its taste as a feeling to the customers on the other hand.
● Communication
Yet another reason that proves the essentiality of great designs for greater advertising is its efficiency to communicate to the right target audience at the right time and right space. Conspicuous graphics can bring the brand’s vision into life and mission into practice. We can mould and modulate the display on how we want the audience to know the brand and sell its services, products and ideas.
● Boost Business
Graphic designs are great means of Return on Investment (ROI). Quality display of designs which convey an inspiringly lucid message urges the audience to opt for the brand and business as their go-to. Thereby, amplifying sales, profit and brand image. The creative agility of our design team equips the audience to think beyond the ordinary and stimulate unusual and ground-breaking perceptions about brand and branding. We design creative online media and social media posts, print ads, 3D motion graphic videos and ad film animations. Brand-affiliated still shoots and ad film shoots are also organised and conducted from our end.
“Strategic Marketing is the use of marketing disciplines to achieve organizational goals by developing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. It addresses high-level considerations such as what markets to target, which services to offer, and how to price and promote them.” – Hinge Marketing Agency. By the wake of each day, professional service buyers are approaching their needs and service demands differently. As it desires consistent change, we must also stay informed and equipped to drive it into action. A creative strategy bears successful advertisement and successful advertisement leads to meaningful communication. The process goes hand-in-hand. We approach ideas emotionally, rationally, factually or fearfully such that our strategies define how the client wants its customers to perceive it as a brand and how we uniquely sell it as ‘The One’ to many! We present a well-put media plan after meticulous curation and research on the topic matter, its target, and the field of market and management. This process helps us convince what the client needs and how we can offer it at best. These 3 game-altering marketing strategies are a worthwhile try when designing the media plan.
● Increase the Visibility of Expertise-
Unlike a product and its quality, expertise is not something that can be seen, smelt or tasted and appreciated. It is a concrete collaboration of both ideas and services which can only be experienced and proved of its worth. As a complete media marketing service firm we advertise and sell our industrial experience, credible expertise and long-term clientele relations as our testimony. Similarly, we help brands and businesses spot their soft power of trade and sell it to the right class of prospects.
● Brand Niche Specialisation-
Owing to the advanced communicational and technological shift and its wider possibilities, professional service buyers are demanding a groundbreaking distinction from their market competitors. And, one way to achieve it is to specialise a unique market niche for the brand such that the brand motive is rightly communicated without grave media spillover.
● Signature Content-
It simply refers to that one unique piece of content drafted and crafted just for the brand and of its value to potential consumers. Nowadays, we often see matured multi-national industries conveying informational, educational, awareness and competitor ad worth content via multiple online and offline media outlets like podcasts, webinars, blogs, vlogs and so on. The disclosure of such specialised content is also a part of an effective service marketing strategy to create an abiding synchrony of value and trust between the brand and its prospects.
As we always say “Content is King.” Creative content broadly refers to the different types of media channels used by companies and businesses to communicate about themselves and to promote sales of their products, services or ideas in the market. This offers a miscellany of experiential content formats such as blogs, e-books, podcasts, vlogs, brochures, photos, digital ads, videos, grids etc. It’s a matter of choosing what sells the brand motive right. It may or may not be produced in-house with or without external design-tech support. What matters most is that the content is of worth and value,
which in turn aids to build and enhance trusted loyalty. So what is Creative Content Marketing?
Content Marketing Institute’s definition of good content marketing. “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” A good strategy always involves great content. From creating digital media posts to blogging, and ad filmmaking to event management, content is relevant. Some of the most effective types of creative content marketing to consider are listed below.
● Blogs-
Problems root from everywhere. Even the greatest minds of thought and innovation have faced it over the process. As far as questions exist, answers are needed. The purpose of a well-purposed and written blog often saves us from such troubles by giving relevant answers to our genuine doubts. Being an exclusively rewarding creative content tactic tool, blogs should urge a strong call to action. Good use of keywords, compelling titles, reliable word length and keyword stuffing halt will help you achieve it.
● Videos-
A promising format for brand promotion. The new age isn’t reading, but scrolling. Hence, marketing these days is run by the motto that the shorter the content, the faster the reach, and the easier it is to sell.
● E-books, Podcasts, Guides, Infographics-
These kinds are the best-suggested media tools for lead generation and brand promotion when utilised in interestingly entertaining ways.
Market Research is moreover a purposed action of market exploration focusing on advertisement campaigns. The ultimate aim is to sort the most potent ad concepts that suit a brand’s target market. Pollfish, a DIY market research provider adds that the process of market research for advertising includes pre campaign efforts as well as post-campaign scrutiny. This includes setting up advertising campaigns, narrowing in on your target market, deducing which ads are best and measuring the success of your ad campaigns. Market research plays a crucial role in each stage of this advertising development process. Proper brand-target analysis and market study help to design not just an ad campaign, but the best ad experience. An ad that possesses the following qualities will hit the customer at the right spot.
● Relevance to the target audience
● Value in purchasing and using
● Uniqueness to set yourself apart from competitors
● Credibility to earn customers’ trust. Don’t make it seem too good to be true.
Unlike our competitors, we, as a regional agency aim and provide national media services, customised brand strategy, advanced market
study and meticulous media campaign execution to our clients at a negotiable bargain. This very concern marks our efforts far more experienced, creative and result-oriented. Our pre-campaign efforts of market research kickstart by acquiring a deep understanding of the target market. Followed by setting up both micro and macro advertising campaign objectives and drawing a valid budget proposal for the advertising campaign. Ongoing campaign market research utterly depends on the pertinence of creating the key message behind the campaign. Advertising performance evaluation is the pivotal step
involved in post-campaign efforts. Results are and must be tracked to analyse the success of the campaign, its pros and cons, utilisation of resources and the use of media, to learn from mistakes and understand the scope of improvement.
Direct and paid communication adopted by brands and businesses to market themselves is called advertising. The channels to disseminate this communication come in all broad audience sizes and can be used for several merchandise capacities. It commonly captures the mass media, both online and offline such as television, print, commercial radio, cinema, OOH and Internet. With proper assistance and reasonable media acknowledgement, brands can also promote themselves organically across various media outlets. Gartner Glossary’s definition of marketing communication: “Marketing communications, commonly known as Marcom, is the messages and media that marketers use to communicate with target markets. Examples of marketing communications include traditional advertising, direct marketing, social marketing, presentations and sponsorships.” These 3 pointers will give you a brief heads-up about how to choose the right communication channels to suffice your purpose.
● Know your team-
Familiarising and building a mutual rapport with your team initiates the first step towards understanding the right target. By organising semi-formal chat clubs and conducting employee engagement surveys, we can understand their preferences, likes and dislikes.
● Know your message-
Understanding the type, form, tone and intention of the message will help us to track the right medium to communicate. Is the message conveyed formally or informally? Is it implying trivial or sensitive content? Does it include text and visuals?
● Know your budget-
The choice and selection of communication channels depend on the client-approved budget. Hence, choosing the right medium is crucial to investing rightly. This helps prevent critical budget spillover and earns better outcomes. We engage as an intermediary between the media and brand as a means of delivering and receiving information from the brand to the media and vice versa. We use our ears to listen and voice to address the necessities of each client by pitching the right media approach to them. We ensure smooth and effective media communication by engineering brand PR campaigns, mass advertising campaigns, publicity stunts, corporate sector promotional events, press releases and press conferences through the collective use of both conventional and modern media. Our business alliance with other worthwhile media service vendors assures performance excellence and guaranteed results to the clientele.
Media Services
Behind every triumphant media campaign, there is a well-defined media strategy in the making. Crafting concrete strategy nails down 4 statutory rules. Namely,
● Setting measurable goals
Determining exactly what needs to be achieved from the campaign and drawing the functional line parallel to practicality. This is what we must hatch at the end. And, our favourite way to crack it, is to adopt goals using the SMART method i.e, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.
● Identifying and analysing the target audience
“Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov. Understanding the target’s key demographic traits also involves answering where and how do they spend most of their time? What does a typical day look like for them? What are their fears? What are their interests? What media channels do they use? This will help you humanise your audience and address them with utmost awareness.
● Defining and abiding by the budget
A perfect media strategy is and must always stick to the figures. No more, neither less. While outlining the plan, attempt to match your SMART goals to the ideal budget and labour capability. This makes the long run teeny easier.
● Structuring the key message
Drafting and finalising the principal note cemented from an objective isn’t as easy as it sounds. Often, it takes fewer words to convey greater meanings. But these words must run the course and motive of the campaign. A short phrase yet strong appeal is what attracts the audience. After the initial client meeting, interested brands will revert constructive feedback to our media marketing team. Here, the work process kickstarts. Our chief media consultant will conduct a review-based two-phase presentation analysing the potential media strategies and the scope of media-brand developments for the client. The presentation
evaluates the generic market and the client’s status in marketing myopia. It broadly captures the client’s eye by comparing and reviewing competitor performance via exhilarating case studies. For better media acknowledgement, diverse media platforms and its umpteen channels are hierarchically listed based on their performance review and rating. Based on client requirements and budget, an ideal media package is exclusively curated. We comprehend the past, discuss the present and foresee the future for and with the client to deliver them a performance-based remuneration media model. After all, being a medical representative takes as much accountability as being a pharmacist. If medicines aren’t provided as prescribed, those same medicines might cost a life in danger instead of saving one. Hence, a medical rep must be literate about the know-whats, know-hows and know-whys of both the illness and its remedy to sell the drug rightly. This helps the doctor analyse the disease beyond the skin and treat it well by prescribing the right medicine at the right time. We, as marketing representatives also hold the same responsibility.
The process of identifying and selecting the right media outlets to place paid advertisements is called media planning. After many objective discussions, both parties arrive at the final media plan. It’s an intimate process of considering, reconsidering, reviewing, revising and trialling tasks and budget to run the customised media campaign for the brand. There’s no ‘Best Media Plan’, ever. Hence, building the right strategy is always tricky. But we always call for a challenge. As responsible media planners, we stretch our potential to the farthest while sufficing clientele budget to find the right media mix for a brand.
The paramount aim of marketing is to advertise the business to the right target audience so that they may be educated, informed, made well aware and persuaded to purchase your product, service or idea from the market. Developing an efficient and cost-effective media plan must be weighed under the following pointers.
● Reach– refers to the number of people you want to watch during a particular timeframe, like in a week or a month.
● Frequency– indicates the number of times your target customers will see your ad. The higher the number, the better the visibility.
● Cost per thousand– total cost of advertising in a particular media outlet is divided by the media’s thousands of customers to get the cost-per-thousand value. Just like how newspapers divide the cost by total subscribers.
● Selectivity– Depending on the targeted market radius and product niche, each media outlet’s potential is measured to reach defined prospects.
● Impact– Each media outlet promise various senses. Magazines appeal to sight and scent while websites and TV appeal to sight and sound. Identify the right senses that the brand demands and offers. Then choose the medium to reflect greater impact.
“Once the strategy is in place, things must happen to bring about the desired change-that is the point of it all. The wonderful combination of visualization, the glamour of navel-gazing, sparks of inspiration, and cranial gymnastics can produce an exceptional strategy and plan. It can all be entertaining and even fascinating. But until excellent execution makes it actually happen, all is for naught.” – Jennifer Kelly, Autor & marketing guide. The enactment of a media plan, right from its distribution to performance relates to media execution. It focuses on the way you intend to use paid, owned or earned media to promote your key message. When a media plan pertains to the theory of a media campaign, execution ensures that the campaign is practised on the run. Just as a symphony collaborates skill and expertise on diverse musical instruments to sound the melody created in the notation sheet, media execution utilises skill, technology and labour to bring the media plan into life. Organising a media execution plan detailing the time to execute each campaign step and assigning multiple tasks to each team will save businesses time, energy and resources from frittering an optimal media opportunity. All work is in vain if it’s just a static plan. Results reap once when plans are mobilised into action. Through the zealous effort and expertise of our media and marketing team, we consistently converse, scrutinize, argue and counterargue with media channels to implement your promised result.
Wikipedia defines the process as procurement of advertising on various media such as television, newspapers, commercial radio, magazines, websites, mobile apps, OTT media services, OOH advertising etc. For a definite matter, ads cannot be simply procured. It undergoes a meticulous string of compromises, which reaps better price and appropriate ad placements in the end. Our exclusivity to offer the best-negotiated budget to clients is yielded from our interminable relationship with media and clients and the annual bulk business sale committed to both parties. This is our paramount point of attraction. This is our USP. Ranging between regional brands and national brands, we handle more than 76 clients owing to various categories of business and trade like builders and construction, jewellers, health and lifestyle, fast-food chains and FMCG. Before media buying, our media buyers perform research to optimize the Return on Investment (ROI) on the client’s approved budget. Each client is promised a result-oriented media strategy and successful execution based on our optimized research and interdependent association with the media and brands. We create our value by finding and pitching the best business deals. Which in turn, earns your trust. So, one word. Your win is our win.
Creative Services
No manufacturer or entrepreneur would want their brand and business to be a market blend. Instead, a market distinction. Here lies the influential power of strong graphic designs. Three major reasons prove that great designs can strengthen the effectiveness of any advertising method.
● Brand Recognition
Fresh and inventive design ideas and concepts not just build a unique brand image but also boost better competitor comparison. For instance, Pepsi and Coca-Cola are both aerated drinks sharing the same competitor market space. Same in colour and somewhat similar in taste. The definite product purpose is to quench thirst. Hence, hot summer is always a charming bet for both brands. But, what exactly distincts Pepsi from Cola? It’s the brand identity and brand positioning. When Pepsi markets its likeliness to the public, on one hand, Cola markets its taste as a feeling to the customers on the other hand.
● Communication
Yet another reason that proves the essentiality of great designs for greater advertising is its efficiency to communicate to the right target audience at the right time and right space. Conspicuous graphics can bring the brand’s vision into life and mission into practice. We can mould and modulate the display on how we want the audience to know the brand and sell its services, products and ideas.
● Boost Business
Graphic designs are great means of Return on Investment (ROI). Quality display of designs which convey an inspiringly lucid message urges the audience to opt for the brand and business as their go-to. Thereby, amplifying sales, profit and brand image. The creative agility of our design team equips the audience to think beyond the ordinary and stimulate unusual and ground-breaking perceptions about brand and branding. We design creative online media and social media posts, print ads, 3D motion graphic videos and ad film animations. Brand-affiliated still shoots and ad film shoots are also organised and conducted from our end.
“Strategic Marketing is the use of marketing disciplines to achieve organizational goals by developing and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage. It addresses high-level considerations such as what markets to target, which services to offer, and how to price and promote them.” – Hinge Marketing Agency. By the wake of each day, professional service buyers are approaching their needs and service demands differently. As it desires consistent change, we must also stay informed and equipped to drive it into action. A creative strategy bears successful advertisement and successful advertisement leads to meaningful communication. The process goes hand-in-hand. We approach ideas emotionally, rationally, factually or fearfully such that our strategies define how the client wants its customers to perceive it as a brand and how we uniquely sell it as ‘The One’ to many! We present a well-put media plan after meticulous curation and research on the topic matter, its target, and the field of market and management. This process helps us convince what the client needs and how we can offer it at best. These 3 game-altering marketing strategies are a worthwhile try when designing the media plan.
● Increase the Visibility of Expertise-
Unlike a product and its quality, expertise is not something that can be seen, smelt or tasted and appreciated. It is a concrete collaboration of both ideas and services which can only be experienced and proved of its worth. As a complete media marketing service firm we advertise and sell our industrial experience, credible expertise and long-term clientele relations as our testimony. Similarly, we help brands and businesses spot their soft power of trade and sell it to the right class of prospects.
● Brand Niche Specialisation-
Owing to the advanced communicational and technological shift and its wider possibilities, professional service buyers are demanding a groundbreaking distinction from their market competitors. And, one way to achieve it is to specialise a unique market niche for the brand such that the brand motive is rightly communicated without grave media spillover.
● Signature Content-
It simply refers to that one unique piece of content drafted and crafted just for the brand and of its value to potential consumers. Nowadays, we often see matured multi-national industries conveying informational, educational, awareness and competitor ad worth content via multiple online and offline media outlets like podcasts, webinars, blogs, vlogs and so on. The disclosure of such specialised content is also a part of an effective service marketing strategy to create an abiding synchrony of value and trust between the brand and its prospects.
As we always say “Content is King.” Creative content broadly refers to the different types of media channels used by companies and businesses to communicate about themselves and to promote sales of their products, services or ideas in the market. This offers a miscellany of experiential content formats such as blogs, e-books, podcasts, vlogs, brochures, photos, digital ads, videos, grids etc. It’s a matter of choosing what sells the brand motive right. It may or may not be produced in-house with or without external design-tech support. What matters most is that the content is of worth and value,
which in turn aids to build and enhance trusted loyalty. So what is Creative Content Marketing?
Content Marketing Institute’s definition of good content marketing. “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” A good strategy always involves great content. From creating digital media posts to blogging, and ad filmmaking to event management, content is relevant. Some of the most effective types of creative content marketing to consider are listed below.
● Blogs-
Problems root from everywhere. Even the greatest minds of thought and innovation have faced it over the process. As far as questions exist, answers are needed. The purpose of a well-purposed and written blog often saves us from such troubles by giving relevant answers to our genuine doubts. Being an exclusively rewarding creative content tactic tool, blogs should urge a strong call to action. Good use of keywords, compelling titles, reliable word length and keyword stuffing halt will help you achieve it.
● Videos-
A promising format for brand promotion. The new age isn’t reading, but scrolling. Hence, marketing these days is run by the motto that the shorter the content, the faster the reach, and the easier it is to sell.
● E-books, Podcasts, Guides, Infographics-
These kinds are the best-suggested media tools for lead generation and brand promotion when utilised in interestingly entertaining ways.
Market Research is moreover a purposed action of market exploration focusing on advertisement campaigns. The ultimate aim is to sort the most potent ad concepts that suit a brand’s target market. Pollfish, a DIY market research provider adds that the process of market research for advertising includes pre campaign efforts as well as post-campaign scrutiny. This includes setting up advertising campaigns, narrowing in on your target market, deducing which ads are best and measuring the success of your ad campaigns. Market research plays a crucial role in each stage of this advertising development process. Proper brand-target analysis and market study help to design not just an ad campaign, but the best ad experience. An ad that possesses the following qualities will hit the customer at the right spot.
● Relevance to the target audience
● Value in purchasing and using
● Uniqueness to set yourself apart from competitors
● Credibility to earn customers’ trust. Don’t make it seem too good to be true.
Unlike our competitors, we, as a regional agency aim and provide national media services, customised brand strategy, advanced market
study and meticulous media campaign execution to our clients at a negotiable bargain. This very concern marks our efforts far more experienced, creative and result-oriented. Our pre-campaign efforts of market research kickstart by acquiring a deep understanding of the target market. Followed by setting up both micro and macro advertising campaign objectives and drawing a valid budget proposal for the advertising campaign. Ongoing campaign market research utterly depends on the pertinence of creating the key message behind the campaign. Advertising performance evaluation is the pivotal step
involved in post-campaign efforts. Results are and must be tracked to analyse the success of the campaign, its pros and cons, utilisation of resources and the use of media, to learn from mistakes and understand the scope of improvement.
Direct and paid communication adopted by brands and businesses to market themselves is called advertising. The channels to disseminate this communication come in all broad audience sizes and can be used for several merchandise capacities. It commonly captures the mass media, both online and offline such as television, print, commercial radio, cinema, OOH and Internet. With proper assistance and reasonable media acknowledgement, brands can also promote themselves organically across various media outlets. Gartner Glossary’s definition of marketing communication: “Marketing communications, commonly known as Marcom, is the messages and media that marketers use to communicate with target markets. Examples of marketing communications include traditional advertising, direct marketing, social marketing, presentations and sponsorships.” These 3 pointers will give you a brief heads-up about how to choose the right communication channels to suffice your purpose.
- Know your team-
Familiarising and building a mutual rapport with your team initiates the first step towards understanding the right target. By organising semi-formal chat clubs and conducting employee engagement surveys, we can understand their preferences, likes and dislikes.
- Know your message-
Understanding the type, form, tone and intention of the message will help us to track the right medium to communicate. Is the message conveyed formally or informally? Is it implying trivial or sensitive content? Does it include text and visuals?
- Know your budget-
The choice and selection of communication channels depend on the client-approved budget. Hence, choosing the right medium is crucial to investing rightly. This helps prevent critical budget spillover and earns better outcomes. We engage as an intermediary between the media and brand as a means of delivering and receiving information from the brand to the media and vice versa. We use our ears to listen and voice to address the necessities of each client by pitching the right media approach to them. We ensure smooth and effective media communication by engineering brand PR campaigns, mass advertising campaigns, publicity stunts, corporate sector promotional events, press releases and press conferences through the collective use of both conventional and modern media. Our business alliance with other worthwhile media service vendors assures performance excellence and guaranteed results to the clientele.